Complimentary File Check
We’ll check your file and let you know if it’s print-ready BEFORE you place an order

FREE Print File Review will review your files for print compatability at NO charge or obligation!
We will review:
- Accurate Bleed, Safety and Trim Areas
- Correct Print Quality (Print Resolution)
- Acceptable File Format
- Suitable Color Mode (CMYK over RGB)
- Correct Panel Alignment (for jobs requiring folding)
What's next
- Our prepress team carefully inspect your files after you submit your file review request.
- If we don’t find major problems with your files, we will create a PDF proof and send you an email notification to download your proof. Please allow up to 12 hours to receive this email.
- If we find problems with your files that require your attention, we will have to contact you before creating your PDF proof. We will do our best to contact you within 24 business hours and work with you on a resolution.
If you have any questions please Contact Us or see our FAQ.
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